
Clival Database (Clinical Trial Insights), a platform owned by Lifescience Intellipedia Pvt Ltd, that provides information on clinical trial. We provide basic information and in-depth details of clinical trials and other related information. Although we have made all efforts to provide our users accurate information on our platform, we still advise them to cross-verify on relevant sources.

The content on the platform, such as images, graphics, texts, and information is obtained from different sources and is only for the purpose of giving information. We do not contemplate to replace any professional advice.

We do not guarantee that our platform will be able to meet all your requirements, will be able to give information without any delays or errors. We recommend our users to scan their computer system to protect them from virus, as we do not warrant that our platform will not transmit any virus or other contaminated properties.

The platform may contain some medical or health related details.

If you allow a minor to whom you are a legal guardian to use our platform, you will be solely responsible for their:

  • Online Conduct

  • Monitoring such access to use

  • Any consequence of use of our website

We will not be held responsible for the contents of linked websites and we don’t endorse the views expressed. There would be not guarantee over availability of linked pages and its content all times.