
Clival database facilitates seamless navigation through clinical data flawlessly. By using Clival’s mechanism of action based search criteria delve into the clinical insights categorized by Basic analysis, highest level phase, country wise analysis, sponsor analysis, therapeutic area.

Basic analysis

• In basic analysis corner, we get to explore various kinds of information encompassing product variant, product trial, product type, therapeutic area, indication, and sponsor.

Biomarker Description
Biomarker Country Analysis

Country wise analysis

• It shows the details on total number of mechanism of actions on which trials are conducted by any country or continent.

• It includes only unique trials.

• It excludes data on terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status.

Highest level phase

• This dataset provides details on highest development phase for trials on specific mechanism of actions. Data provided on the basis of mechanism of action and indication.

• It includes only unique trials.

• It excludes data on terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status.

Biomarker Highest level
Biomarker Sponsor Description

Sponsor analysis

• This feature provides details on top 8 sponsor analyzed on the basis of mechanism of action

• It includes only unique trials.

• It excludes data on terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status.

Indication Analysis

• This data insight is the collection of knowledge on number of top indication analysis on which clinical trials are being conducted based on mechanism of action.

• It includes only unique trials.

• This data does not contain insights on terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status.

Biomarker Indication Analysis

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