Therapeutic Area

This search criteria on Clival enables you to find the clinical trials insights based on highest level phase, indicator, sponsor, country wise analysis, trial status analysis, and phase analysis.

Basic Analysis

• In the basic analysis section, we explore product variants, product trials, product types, target/biomarker, therapeutic area, sponsors, and indications.

• It only focus on unique trials excluding terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status.


Continent/Country Wise Analysis

• This dataset provides total count of therapeutic areas on which any specific country/continent US, EU, Japan, etc. conducting clinical trials.

• It includes only unique trials while terminated, withdrawn, and unknown status trials are not included in the database.

Highest Level Phase

• This dataset offers information on product analysis based on indication including conditions like cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, aortic stenosis, platelet aggregation, diabetes mellitus II, acute coronary syndrome, etc. The data is represented in the graph in showing indication on one axis and total number of indication on another.

• It contains list of top 8 indications

• It shows highest phase based on product and indications.


Sponsor Analysis

• This feature provides insights on total number of sponsors with respect to the therapeutic areas they are investing in.

• Therapeutic area based list of top 8 sponsors may include Industries like Precirix, Bristol Myers Squibb, National cancer institute, Novartis consumer health, and many more.

• Data on terminated, withdrawn, and trials of unknown status are excluded from this database.

Indication Analysis

• This dataset offers information on total number of indications in a specific therapeutic area on which clinical trials are being conducted. Ex. In case of therapeutic area “Oncology”, top eight indications are presented like solid tumors, colorectal cancer, prostate, breast cancer, etc and the number of trials conducted on each indication is provided.

• It contains list of top 8 therapeutic area and indications on which trials are conducted.

Sponsor Level

Product Level Competition

• This feature enables you to track the total number of products being studies under any trial for specific indication.

• It contains products list based on indications and includes data on each phase. It can help you find products related to specific indication.

• It provides you information on already progressing trials and also helps you to observe your competitors which are working on the same indication.

• Data includes insights only on unique trials.

Sponsor Level Competition

• Sponsor level competition data shows total number of sponsors conducting any indication specific clinical trial.

• It equips you with the information on competitor involved in sponsoring any specific trials.

• Sponsors are selected based on indication.

• Includes only unique trials.


Trial Status Analysis

• Trial status analysis is a valuable feature of Clival database which provide you exposure for the current status of unique trials.

• It categories trial status in different categories encompassing terminated (prematurely stopped trial), suspended (trials suspended for some reason), withdrawn (trials discontinued before completion), completed (trial successfully completed), and ongoing (trial in progress).

• This data helps you in risk assessment, strategic planning, market insights, and informed decision making.

Phase Analysis

• Clinical trial phase analysis provides you the details of total number of trials being conducted for an indication based on therapeutic area.

• It categories each phase and provides data from phase 0, phase 1, phase ½, phase 2, phase 2/3, phase 3, and phase 4 (launched) data.

• This feature includes insights such as trial country, product type, MOA, therapeutic area, phase, highest phase, status, beginning & completion date, sponsors, contact details, cohort size, etc.


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